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pypi.org/project/django-countries/ django-countries Provides a country field for Django models. pypi.org Be sure to find some code for installation here if the error occurs like: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django_countries' If pillow drives you crazy, try this: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.htm..
stackoverflow.com/questions/24005974/cannot-use-mkdir-in-home-directory-permission-denied-linux-lubuntu Cannot use mkdir in home directory: permission denied (Linux Lubuntu) I am trying to create a directory in my home directory on Linux using the mkdir command, but am getting a 'permission denied' error. I have recently installed Lubuntu on my laptop, and have the only stackoverflow.com It is p..
Solution 1. pipenv shell -> error 2. pipenv --three (this seems to establish a new virtualenv & solves the issue). Note: Do not dare to input the command if I have no idea what may happen. Unless I know when I should use 'pipenv --rm' command, NEVER USE THIS.
Problem: * Encountered another critical error. Spent the whole day. * The issue was [endblock]. Keep displaying TemplateSyntaxError. * Nevertheless, the template had no problem. .........Good news is: Found the solution! Just now! Solution: extension : Prettier was the imposter. Django accepts formatter, but prettier will ruin html format if I persist using it.