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#note: Django will not be mentioned in here. See the next record - Day 2. * WSL Set up ---- done * pipenv installation ---- done cd Documents mkdir airbnb-clone cd airbnb-clone pipenv --three code . #[on VSCode] pipenv shell #this action allows me to select and access inside a bubble (virtual workplace, like sandbox) #[potential error spot] Example's Django version was 2.2.5 But, I installed the..
Problem. CANNOT INSTALL or UNABLE TO RUN pipenv. Seriously demotivated me to learn Django for a week. Almost moved to Anaconda for a virtual workplace. Solution. #Before jumping on to the next input step, input following 1. pip list check if virtualenv is already installed. 2. pip uninstall virtualenv 3. pip uninstall pipenv 4. pip install pipenv If still not able to run pipenv, #on WSL, input t..
Problem. With my 5months of learning experience, no idea why on earth this message pop up and annoying me. Solution. Try pip3 install django==(version here without braket). You are installing package for Python 3.x , so I guess that could be an issue e.g. pip3 install django==2.0.3 Note: globally installing this may cause a potential security issue. Don't install like this on important device. p..
Issue. If your prettier never, ever works even after initialising all VSCode settings... Solution. Set Prettier as your default formatter in the settings of your VSCode. Then, your code will finally turn as you expected. Source: Format on Save (prettier) stopped working with latest update · Issue #108447 · microsoft/vscode (github.com)