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[FIXED] directory: users/forms.pyCaused by : typo mistake(...). Just confused myself with JS camel case. class SignUpForm(forms.ModelForm): =============== IntegrityError at /users/login/github/callback NOT NULL constraint failed: users_user.username Request Method: GET Request URL: Note: As soon as when I press 'github login' - linked by Oauth ..
How to test something from user's viewpoint? Purpose is clear, to let user allow enjoying all features as intended. def github_callback(request): code = request.GET.get("code") print(request.GET) pass That print allows the developer to see and refer the terminal message. Literally, this is an essential method to test out whether it works as intended or not.
1. Encountered Unicode error. 2. Panic...and returned to the trackback page (jango). What can be the problem? And got some hint from somebody... ourcstory.tistory.com/39 [Python] UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128) 들어가며 파이썬으로 구현을 하다보면 한번씩은 겪는 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in ..
wayhome25.github.io/django/2017/05/06/django-form/ 장고 폼 (form) · 초보몽키의 개발공부로그 장고 폼 (form) 06 May 2017 | python Django form AskDjango 수업을 듣고 중요한 내용을 정리하였습니다. form 장고의 가장 큰 Feature 중 하나 Model 클래스와 유사하게 Form 클래스를 정의 주요역할 (custom form class) wayhome25.github.io