목록F2. Problem & Solving/Solving (23)
Silver Library (Archived)
hackerrank, 10days of JS. Title: Day 1: let and const Personal note: This is for the record to see how I figured out the algorithm. - parseFloat is the print like feature in float. Literally, parsing its data to float. - r = parseFloat(readLine()); - this readLine indicates 'I wish to read only a single line for each.' - as problem asked, declare PI to const. - const PI = Math.PI; CAUTION: Don't..
The algorithm or online coding test seems focusing on the sorting issue. And that must be the reason why array, calculation stuff is the representative issue to deal with it. I know this may not be that helpful regard to get a job from a start-up size business, but I have to try. Just don't lose the faith.
Use 'map' to its initial list. This allows programmer to let list acts multiple value aggregately. As long as I know how map works out, I can finally achieve the simplicity (from refactoring process) Error 1. a,b,c = input().split() a = int(a) b = int(b) c = int(c) print((A+B)%C, ((A%C) + (B%C))%C, (A×B)%C, ((A%C) × (B%C))%C) Result = Runtime error (NameError) Note. I guess this means 'as long a..
Incorrect 1. a,b = input().split() a = float(a) b = float(b) print(a+b) print(a-b) print(a*b) print(a/b) print(a%b) Incorrect 2. a,b = input().split() a = float(a) b = float(b) print(a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a%b) Incorrect 3. a,b = input().split() a = int(a) b = int(b) print(a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a%b) Correct 1. a,b = input().split() a = int(a) b = int(b) print(a+b, a-b, a*b, int(a/b), a%b) Note: Let c..