목록F2. Problem & Solving/Solving (23)
Silver Library (Archived)
output : true 1. This is an instance to use as a checker from the existing data. In this case, includes() method belongs to var str. As 'Geeks' string characters does exist on that var str, the outcome regarding this variable will output : true. Further info: Syntax:string.includes(searchvalue, start) Parameters Used: search value: It is the string in which the search will take place. start: Thi..
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/js10-loops/problem Personal note: the code makes sense but how on earth I can remember such a method on that day...? whatever the condition is; I need to keep rolling this. 'use strict'; process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf-8'); let inputString = ''; let currentLine = 0; process.stdin.on('data', inputStdin => { inputString += inputStdin; })..
Personally, this algorithm is very useful & did not know how to do this thing. According to other people, this can be better off. function getLetter(s) { let letter; // Write your code here let characterA = "aeiou"; let characterB = "bcdfg"; let characterC = "hjklm"; let characterD = "npqrstvwxyz"; for(let i in s){ if (characterA.includes(s[0])){ letter = "A"; } else if (characterB.includes(s[0]..
hackerrank, 10days of JS. Title: Day 2: conditional statement if-else Personal note: This is for the record to see how I figured out the algorithm. Initially, function getGrade(score) { let grade; is given. Then the question is; how to implement the following condition. If (25 < score