목록분류 전체보기 (373)
Silver Library (Archived)
Fixed: 1. Photo shown as broken file issue. -> It was due to the non-existing directory. I did not notice that VSCode cannot read the inside of zip file. Extracted to its folder as I designated the directory. And, Accessed the admin page of that picture(as a part of seeding task). When I seed that photo with fake data, that's the time where the error happened. If directory does not exist when I ..
[FIXED] directory: users/forms.pyCaused by : typo mistake(...). Just confused myself with JS camel case. class SignUpForm(forms.ModelForm): =============== IntegrityError at /users/login/github/callback NOT NULL constraint failed: users_user.username Request Method: GET Request URL: Note: As soon as when I press 'github login' - linked by Oauth ..
1. any typo mistake? 2. missing comma? or other symbols? Strangely, 90% of its sickness were all from these two common mistakes. And finally, the hope to offset this error.
How to test something from user's viewpoint? Purpose is clear, to let user allow enjoying all features as intended. def github_callback(request): code = request.GET.get("code") print(request.GET) pass That print allows the developer to see and refer the terminal message. Literally, this is an essential method to test out whether it works as intended or not.