목록분류 전체보기 (373)
Silver Library (Archived)
아, 그래도 좀 희망이 보입니다. 지난 2주전만 해도, 도저히 감 조차 안 잡히던데. 심지어 답을 봐도, '워...이거 진짜 지금 해도 되는걸까' 였습니다. 다행이도 지금은 '눈에 보이는' 상황. 적어도 '이 문제에서는 for 반복문을 적용 해 보면 되겠는데...' 단계입니다. 답을 보면, '분명 이해는 되는데, 왜 아직은 팍 하고 안 떠오르지?' 정도. 하지만 점차 그 딜레이 시간이 좀 더 줄어든 느낌은 듭니다. 늦어도 7월 말에는, 최소한 '이 정도는 할 수 있다' 수준이 되어 봐야겠습니다. D-71, passed 20days. Summary: Week 1 : Fully sync all knowledge and experience to the true JS Theory. Week 2 : (Strugg..
Why I use this? - To group up (or wrap up) a number of string characters to print out a singularly indicated result. Personal note: So this switch belongs to prototype. Hint: The switch statement evaluates an expression, matching the expression's value to a case clause, and executes statements associated with that case, as well as statements in cases that follow the matching case. Bit more: A sw..
My initial sight: Looks like readline() is called module, and this can be used as a tool to read the data from *readable streams. Note: *Readable streams are an abstraction for a source from which data is consumed. (e.g. process.stdin) Why I searched for this module? To understand the purpose of using this module from JS problem & solving question. To access some data by using readline, const re..
output : true 1. This is an instance to use as a checker from the existing data. In this case, includes() method belongs to var str. As 'Geeks' string characters does exist on that var str, the outcome regarding this variable will output : true. Further info: Syntax:string.includes(searchvalue, start) Parameters Used: search value: It is the string in which the search will take place. start: Thi..