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Silver Library (Archived)
이 두가지가 react-query 를 사용 할 지에 대한 정보글로 보기에 좋았습니다. (다만 굳이 안 읽으셔도 됩니다. 어디까지나 필자의 background knowledge 편의상 남기는 링크글...) How and Why You Should Use React Query Simplify data fetching with react-query’s custom hooks. blog.bitsrc.io What I learned from React-Query, and why I will not use it in my next project The beginning was exciting. The company’s lead front-end architect suggested checking out React-..
tl;dr typeDef, resolvers = schema & mutation, queries (as a notion) GraphQL schema basics Your GraphQL server uses a schema to describe the shape of your available data. This schema defines a hierarchy of types with fields that are populated from your back-end data stores. The schema also specifies exactly which queries and mutations are availa www.apollographql.com 우선, GraphQL 에서 data 를 request..
This page is a summary of an article written by Reed Barger, for personal use. Does: Page-based routing (create a page by putting components in /pages) A built-in router (no need to install React Router) API routes (write backend code using Node.js in /pages/api) Super fast builds for development / production (see saved changes instantly) Image and font optimization Built-in ESLint and TypeScrip..
https://www.intervue.io/developer/short-note/what-is-a-lexical-environment-sandbox-5XTCDNYWG Intervue - Developer Best short notes on programming concepts & questions asked in interviews www.intervue.io A lexical environment is a data structure that holds identifier-variable mapping. (here identifier refers to the name of variables/functions, and the variable is the reference to actual object [i..