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Silver Library (Archived)

Redux Toolkit 으로 전환하기. 본문

Face the fear, build the future/Library of Logging

Redux Toolkit 으로 전환하기.

Ayin Kim 2022. 12. 28. 17:39

여러모로 알아보던 중, 손해볼 것 같진 않다는 생각이 들었습니다.


현재 확실한 부분.

1. Redux is a state container for JS apps.

2. Consider a React app: like state of a component.

3. Redux stores the state of its application.

4. Redux will store and manage the application state.

Redux is a state container.


The state of the application can change. Just like an example: todo list app -> item(pending) -> item(completed)

In Redux, a pattern is enforced to ensure all state transitions are explicit and can be tracked.

The changes to its application's state can be predictable.



Redux is a predictable state container for JS base apps.