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Django - Unsolved error (solved) 본문

Personal DB/Unclassified record

Django - Unsolved error (solved)

Chesed Kim 2021. 1. 20. 00:17


directory: users/forms.pyCaused by : typo mistake(...). Just confused myself with JS camel case.


class SignUpForm(forms.ModelForm):





IntegrityError at /users/login/github/callback
NOT NULL constraint failed: users_user.username
Request Method: GET
Request URL:



As soon as when I press 'github login' - linked by Oauth of Github.

This shows up the error message (above).


Better review this part to fix this once I come back later.



This might be linked to the issue of 'sign up - unicode error'.


Still, this seems to be a specific file's problem.

Don't give up.


So far, 

1. Sign up - unicode error (difficulty: for now, I have no idea how to fix this one. Critical problem.)

2. Github login error - 


#Potentially work...?

name = profile_json.get("name")
name = username if name is None else name

bio = profile_json.get("bio")
bio = "" if bio is None else bio


*01-20 Note

Kakaotalk Login/Signup works correctly.