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Basic - How to do a side project 본문

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Basic - How to do a side project

Chesed Kim 2022. 12. 10. 19:20

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5 Steps to Plan a Side Project

Side projects may be daunting to plan, but fun to code. With a proper planning system, you too, can g...


1. Idea

make either (1) shopping cart feature (2) small dictionary like, bookmark feature


2. What technology?

Use react state management features and react-query with axios. 


3. Features your program needs (setup MVP!)

- 'useState - imagine item display #1 -> clicked -> added(push, append) on cart item. '

- 'react-query - load api like data (might use redux? Do this once first draft is completed)

- react-router-dom - for page connection


# redux - beware, redux provides middleware like feature. And allows fetching api

# redux provides client side management, whilst react-query provides server side management

example: https://real-dongsoo7.tistory.com/166


4. reserach how you will implement those features


1) Googling and searching up how to make the features I desire.

2) example: Research how you would implement the feature of adding foods to a list based on the technology of your project.

3) do this for every feature and make notes of it.

# No need to be detailed, do not need to write the code for it now.


5. Make a timeline of everything you have to do

Once planned out and know how and what you will make, have to plan the timing of it.


sunday - navbar, create fake data or real api data

monday - set up state feature, react-query + axios to send request call on api server or its local data.

tuesday - Check whether it runs, then push as first completion.


Bonus objective:

#1 May swap that item.js (dummy local data) to jikan v4 api.

#2 See how to implement login auth feature, as local.