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JS - wrapper object 본문

F2. Problem & Solving/Solving

JS - wrapper object

Chesed Kim 2021. 7. 7. 16:51

wrapper object (linked to prototype, heritage)


Caution: Some of them may be incorrect. Read at your own risk.



it is about the difference of 'where to store the value', and 'temporary', 'primitive'. 

Scanning for its object with the method I input to refer it accordingly.


This is kind of 'temporarily use the Primitive things like method.'

Once I approach to some method with Primitive,



const aqua = 'mizukami';


console.log(aqua.length); // 8

console.log(aqua.toUpperCase()); // MIZUKAMI


// Once calling it fisniehd (as wrapper object) and temporary object done his job, it will return the primitive one again.

console.log(typeof aqua); // string


This means, wrapper object will temporarily work like method since JS does implicitly create 'temporary object' inside prototype. In that prototype object, it has 'string type - wrapper object'. So, [[StringData]] will store the object which contains its string value.


My verdict:

This is somewhat specialised at 'temporarily let primitive to check/work out like how others dynamically use/apply method and do its job.



Wrapper objects

When we treat a primitive value like it was an object (i.e. by accessing properties and methods), JavaScript creates, under the hood, a wrapper to wrap this value and expose it as an object. The JS engine never reuses a wrapper object, giving them to the garbage collector right after a single use.




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